Tuesday, January 3, 2012

why i stopped writing

When my dad died, I was 22.  Ruthlessly, I cut the words out of my life.  I stopped writing.  Period.  Words were my way to express emotion and I decided I didn't want to feel anymore, so even though the words came, I forced them back.

For a time I kept a journal, writing to my dad when I felt I needed to talk with him.  Dad never talked back though and after awhile, some might say I got over the need to talk with him, or I just got tired of a one way conversation.  Basically, I think I got tired of conversations that tore me apart to have and wouldn't change anything.

It wasn't easy to keep the words away, often I couldn't sleep.  Before, when I would purge the words from my mind to sleep, now I just read, or stared at the ceiling until finally sleep overcame me.  Finally, the words, it was as if they disappeared behind a wall.  Bits and pieces, maybe I could force out, like 
 here when I was despairing if I would ever writing again or here where I even admitted that I was Poet No More.

My husband's birthday present to me was a tattoo - it's a cross that commemorates my dad & has a banner on it with the year he was born and the year he died. 

For eight plus years I thought about getting it, but could never decide on exactly what, or exactly where.  Finally everything came together, the artist is awesome and I think that it's a permanent reminder that yeah, my dad died, but I have his memory, forever a part of me.  I can move on, without forgetting.  I don't have to live my life afraid, afraid that if I keep growing up (got married, planning on moving away) that I'll forget him.  I know I won't, I can't.  Not just because of the tattoo, although it helps as a visual reminder.  My dad was such a part of the first 22 years of my life that he impacted who I am today, who I will always be.

There was one reason I stopped writing, but oh so many steps to get it back again.  Still not sure I will, not sure I want to.  There are other theories, etc. that I will speculate on later as well...for now...why I stopped, at least that's a part of a beginning...

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