Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today I randomly logged into twitter on my laptop for the first time in awhile had an unpleasant surprise - I've heard of SOPA and PIPA, but didn't realize they were here, now....all over twitter there's news of the internet "going dark" of sites blacking out.  All because of SOPA/PIPA - I won't take the time to explain - use the link, I'll let wikipedia help out there.

I signed google's protest and my husband did as well, and I sent tweets to my representatives and re-tweeted a few #SOPA tweets that I found interesting.  I even posted on Facebook and Google+ and now I find myself disappointed in the lack of response of my friends.  Of course - it is already 10 o'clock in the evening here, but twitter is averaging about 60 #SOPA tweets a minute.

Some good articles I found - MSNBC - but it's from four days ago.

Websites going dark in protest of SOPA.  Google is listed as "participating" but I believe they should really go dark and not just put a "banner" up.  They're taking the PR way out.

List of businesses supporting SOPA - some surprises, some not.  Columbia sportswear, really???

And I saved this - a  first hand reason why the SOPA Bills should be STOPPED.

Oh, and here's a PS: If you want to know what a real blackout feels like (not the google black banner) and it's still January 18th when you're reading this, go to wikipedia and you'll find out.  They also make it really easy to find out who your representatives are, so you can contact them and tell them to stop SOPA/PIPA.  Wikipedia even includes the reps twitter ID and links to their contact forms.

If you're a blogger, you've also likely heard of wordpress - they're joining the protest too, and wrote plugins for sites that want to go dark on January 18th as well, or even a ribbon for the site.  I like that idea.

Well, I got none of my homework done that I was supposed to get done tonight, but from my laptop I joined a protest I think it really important for the future of the internet, the future of our country.  I will end this with the plea I've seen most often tonight - End piracy, not liberty!

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