Monday, August 26, 2013

Holding Pattern

Jeep not ours, front slightly unfinished.
Owning a house and being in Arizona is awesome, I love it.  Those are the two big changes that have happened in my life over the past few months.  I’m in my sixth week of permanently working from home, and I love that too.  It’s just, I almost feel like I’m in a holding pattern, despite the fact that we've gotten so much accomplished.

My office, kitchen and pantry are unpacked and set up about 100%.  Four of the five ceiling fans have been purchased and put up.  My exercise room has been set up and is used regularly.  My living room furniture is where it goes, the TV is up, the speakers are mounted and it’s nice.

But let me tell you what’s not cool with this scenario.  We ordered a new mattress and bed, and well, our mattress arrived, but the bed arrived in pieces, so we had to re-order, which means waiting another four or so weeks.  While we have a very nice master suite, big bedroom with nice bay windows, bathroom with separate shower and tub and a walk in closet, and yet; we've been living out of the guest room and guest bath for the past five weeks.  Two of my multiple boxes of books are in the house, only one is unpacked.  It’s hard to get so far in unpacking, but then reach a stalemate; you can’t quite finish everything because there’s one large part of the house not really in use.  Oh, and my landscaping’s not even done yet.  I've got dirt in the front and backyards, yay.

The other reason I feel like I’m in a holding pattern is our normal, daily life hasn't really started yet.  I “go” to work, and eight hours later I’m done (in the first couple weeks I frantically unpacked/organized during my breaks/lunches, but no more).  After work, exercise and/or unpack/clean some more, make dinner and then relax.  Today is actually the first day of setting a pattern – it’s Dan’s first day of classes at law school.  Finally, hopefully, we’ll be starting to move forward again.

This week might just be the week that everything comes together.  Husband started classes, our landscaping is scheduled to start Tuesday…maybe our bed arrives this week too?  Wish us luck!

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