Tuesday, April 10, 2012

taking chances

I'm feeling a little bit like the guy over there on the left - like a deer caught in the headlights right now.  Well, I did it; I went public.  Okay, not exactly what you're thinking right now, but to me it's as dramatic as that.  
On my facebook page I posted this status:  

'I have always kept my writing "self" and my public self very far apart from each other. Strangely, my writing self was the "private" self although one could argue it was the more "public" and "on display" self. Many, and most I might argue, who know me, might never have known I have this part of me. Today I decided to take a step towards merging these two "selves" back together...I'm scared. It means I can't keep hiding, so wish me luck.'

I also linked my my "real" facebook personality with my pagebook writer's Page, Dayel Silver.  Dayel Silver is one of the names I've been writing under since I could choose another name to write under.

While I may not be doing what you think of as "going public" to me that's really putting myself out there, something I've never done before.  Only a select few ever knew I wrote/write, it wasn't "omg" special, but it was careful, because this part of me, really is me, while everything else can be take it or leave it, my writing cannot.  Really, I wasn't hiding my picture from the few people that might be fans who didn't know me, I was hiding the fact that I was(/am?) a writer from the people who know me but do not know that bit of me.

I really must thank Patrick (author of Forcing the Issue), a friend without whom I probably would not be writing this much again and especially "going public."  He'll say he has no idea what I'm talking about, but it's his determination to keep to his weekly posts and finish his own goals that makes me keep going even though I do not have his set goals and could never keep to his strict schedules.  

After all of this, I doubt few will notice that I even have an "official" page out there on my own page.  Either way, it's out there, and to leave no doubt, I even posted a picture, not just of Hawaii this time, but of me (not as a profile though - I left the pretty one up).

Take care for now - in a few days I might see where taking chances leads me...or with the rain that's been going on, I might be right back here again in a depressed mood....we'll see, won't we?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Katherine. I owe You a big debt for keeping me interested in writing during the past few months. Good luck with the "Public" forum~
